Cerebral Palsy and How an Attorney Can Help

Sometimes, the cause of a baby injury is medical negligence. When this happens, the result is sometimes that the child is afflicted with cerebral palsy, an irreversible condition that results from the baby’s brain being deprived of oxygen. This condition means that the child doesn’t have full control over their muscles. This may result in a host of symptoms that can sometimes be debilitating.

The Results

Cerebral palsy causes problems with muscle tone. Oftentimes, an infant that has this condition will feel either overly floppy or very rigid when they’re held. These muscle problems continue throughout the child’s life, which means that they are sometimes unable to walk or engage in any activities that require fine control over the muscles. Some children with cerebral palsy have it much worse than others. For example, some of the children who are afflicted with this disorder end up in wheelchairs for their entire lives. Others, on the other hand, can get around fairly well on crutches or other assistive devices and have some control over their bodies.

There are also cognitive disorders that come along with cerebral palsy. Quite often, the individual affected with this disorder will have some level of mental impairment that will follow them throughout life. They may also have difficulty speaking and difficulty hearing. The problems with muscular control can cause difficulty emoting through the face, and the combination of having problems with speech and having trouble with mobility can end up making a child feel very ostracized.

How Attorneys Help

Whenever a physician renders care to a patient, there is a certain level of competence expected of them. This also applies to midwives, nurses and healthcare facilities. If the physician or other healthcare provider failed to deliver an adequate level of medical care to the patient, and if somebody was injured as a result of that, you may have the option of filing a lawsuit to seek compensation for the child’s pain and suffering and their medical expenses.

An attorney can meet with you and advise you whether or not you have a case worth pursuing in court. If they believe that this is the case, they may want to take you on as a client. Ask them about a contingency agreement, where they take you on without charging any upfront fees and do not charge you at all unless you win.

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The birth injury team at the Rasansky Law Firm has the experience with and knowledge of cerebral palsy needed to zealously represent and protect both your interests and your child’s. If your child suffered a birth injury or was born with cerebral palsy, or if you need information about cerebral palsy or birth injury law, schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy attorney by clicking using the form below or calling us toll free at 1-877-405-0228.