How do I Know they are a Good Cerebral Palsy Attorney?

A cerebral palsy lawyer may be your best bet toward getting help dealing with the financial consequences of this devastating condition. The lawyer you hire and their experience makes a significant difference in the success or failure of the case, however. It’s a good idea to shop around and to make sure that you find an attorney with whom you feel comfortable, but this is certainly not the only thing that you have to watch for in an attorney.

Experience with CP

There are plenty of lawyers out there that handle medical negligence cases. Many of them are very good at what they do. You will do much better, however, if you seek out an attorney that has specific experience in dealing with children with cerebral palsy. It’s important that the lawyer understands this disorder and that they have access to experts that can make sure that your case has the best chance of winning in court.

Working with Children

There are limitations on how long you have to go forward with a legal action after your child is born. This means that lawyers that deal with cerebral palsy cases will tend to have a lot of experience working with parents and their children. While this may not directly influence how well they can argue your case, it does make a difference in how they treat their clients and having an attorney that can make you feel more at ease is a great benefit when you’re preparing to go to court.

Fees and Payments

You can find a Texas cerebral palsy lawyer who works on contingency and spare yourself the stress that comes with having to amass money for legal fees. You’re only charge by these attorneys if they manage to win your case, so you don’t have to worry about paying for their services upfront. You also don’t have to worry about paying for their services if they lose your case, which is a huge peace of mind factor for parents that don’t have a lot of money to spend and that are facing the costs of dealing with cerebral palsy on top of it. Be sure you take the time to explore all your options for attorneys. They oftentimes offer free consultations. This is a great way to let them know about your situation and to see if you’d like to work with them on your case.

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The birth injury team at the Rasansky Law Firm has the experience with and knowledge of cerebral palsy needed to zealously represent and protect both your interests and your child’s. If your child suffered a birth injury or was born with cerebral palsy, or if you need information about cerebral palsy or birth injury law, schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy attorney by clicking using the form below or calling us toll free at 1-877-405-0228.