Should I Talk to a Texas CP Lawyer About My Child’s CP?

When people sue doctors and healthcare providers over CP, it’s because there was some sort of medical negligence involved in the child’s birth that resulted in the child being injured. The injuries that cause CP can be the results of many different types of negligence. Negligence means not taking actions that a doctor could have been expected to take and causing someone to suffer as a result of that inaction or taking an action that resulted in someone suffering needlessly.


CP injuries involve the brain being starved of oxygen. This can happen when the infant is being delivered and when they’re pinned in a position that obstructs blood flow. If the physician should have noticed and didn’t take any action to remedy the situation, that is sometimes something that can be construed as negligence on the part of the doctor. If you believe that this is how your child came to be affected by CP, or if the medical examination showed as much, contacting an attorney is an option.

Delayed Care

A child in Maine recently received a large jury award because of the CP that they suffered, which was caused by a delayed cesarean. There are cases where children are in the womb and where a condition develops that necessitates that they be delivered immediately. When doctors fail to act on this and when they have every reason to have done so, it’s possible that medical negligence is an issue. This is a situation where you may want to contact an attorney, as well.

Infection and Injury

Hospitals that are dirty or that use equipment that isn’t sanitary may end up causing injuries in their youngest and most vulnerable patients. If your child developed CP because an illness that they contracted at the hospital caused brain damage in the infant, an attorney may be able to help.

Remember that there are some instances where a cerebral palsy attorney will not be able to help. A Texas CP lawyer can only help you if there is someone who is ultimately responsible for the actions or lack of action that led to your child having cerebral palsy. This disorder happens for completely natural reasons in some cases and, in those cases, there is no one to sue. If someone should have done better and they didn’t, injuring your child in the process, contacting a lawyer is a constructive idea.

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