The Link Between CP and Brain Damage

Understanding medical conditions is sometimes a rather challenging thing. Cerebral palsy, for instance, usually turns out to be much more complicated than the families who find out they’re affected by it would have guessed beforehand. If your child has been diagnosed with CP, understanding a brain injury is an important part of understanding the condition on the whole.

Despite the many advances in medical technology over the years, brain injuries still cannot be healed. These injuries remain for the entire life of the affected individuals. In some cases, these brain injuries are severe enough that people end up being disabled in many regards for their entire life. In other cases, their symptoms may not be so severe. What’s important to understand is that the symptoms of a brain injury are different things that the brain injury itself. Symptoms can be treated, in many cases.

One of the most difficult symptoms that CP sufferers face is difficulty with mobility. This means that walking is sometimes impossible but, in some cases, physical therapy can play a role in improving a sufferer’s mobility overall. There are also therapies involving medications and even electricity that can sometimes help CP sufferers be able to walk better. In some cases, however, the CP sufferer will never have the coordination or muscle strength required to walk.

Some of the symptoms of CP include developmental disabilities. These usually include cognitive disorders and learning disabilities that may make life challenging at times. To overcome these, special education resources and even technology can play important roles. There are some great computer games and applications out there that parents can use to provide their children with CP an opportunity to build coordination.

Oftentimes, the harder that a person with CP tries to control their muscles the more difficult a task will become. Some people with CP can write with a pen and others cannot pick a pen up off of a table: it depends upon the severity of their injury. Your doctor may have some therapies that can help with these issues.

Birth injuries are not always unavoidable and cerebral palsy in infants is sometimes the result of physician or healthcare provider negligence. If you believe this to be the case, you may want to consult with an attorney to see if you have a good chance of winning a lawsuit against the people responsible for causing the injury, and all of its symptoms, to your child.


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