What Does Medical Negligence Have To Do With Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy in infants is sometimes the direct result of medical negligence. Negligence is not incompetence. Very good doctors are sometimes found to have been negligent. In cases where that negligence ends of affecting the health of a child, it’s sometimes the best option for the parents to file a lawsuit so that they can seek compensation for their child’s pain and suffering and their medical expenses.

How it Happens

There are many different ways that a child can suffer a CP birth injury. The list of birth mistakes includes instances where procedures aren’t performed in time, instances where procedures are performed incorrectly and many more types of failures on the part of medical providers. In order to sue the doctor or healthcare facility, it has to be established that their negligence was the reason that the child suffers from CP.

After a child is suspected of having CP, a medical investigation is performed. This involves scans, blood work, questions and much more. The investigation sometimes establishes that negligence was the issue on its own. In other cases, your attorney may have to do more work to establish that negligence was the cause of the injury.

There have been cases where juries have found in favor of plaintiffs for many different reasons. Some cases involve caesarian sections that weren’t given in time. In cases where a child doesn’t have enough amniotic fluid in the womb, CP may result. Other cases have involved strangulation by the umbilical cord, which is a common cause of CP injuries where medical negligence was an issue. The child may also become pinned in a position that strangulates them. CP injures are oftentimes caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, so anything that causes an interruption in the flow of blood to the pain can end up causing CP.

If you’re suspicious that medical negligence played a part in your child having cerebral palsy, you’ll want to contact a lawyer quickly. It’s important to remember that there are limitations on how long you have to sue. It’s also important to remember that the settlement or jury award you might win could be enough to pay for your child’s medical expenses long into the future. This means that they’ll have the resources they need as they move into adulthood and that they can rely on getting the best possible treatments for the symptoms of their condition.

Cerebral palsy in infants

Birth mistakes

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