Cerebral Palsy Symptoms In Babies

Cerebral palsy is a complex group of conditions caused by a brain injury, often caused during the birthing process or developmental growth stage.  Since it is caused by a brain injury, cerebral palsy symptoms in babies will vary depending on the severity of the brain injury.

Cerebral palsy is categorized as a developmental disorder, and as such, the symptoms can sometimes take years to become apparent.  This doesn’t mean some cp symptoms in infants can’t be observed.

The main cerebral palsy symptoms in babies are presented through certain developmental delays in reaching specific milestones.  These delays can include:

  • Delays in their ability to sit up on their own
  • Delays in rolling over
  • Delays in crawling
  • Delays in the development of a preference in a dominant hand

If you suspect your baby may be suffering from cerebral palsy, you are always encouraged to seek the opinion of an experienced medical professional.  Some of the signs a medical professional can observe include abnormal muscle tone and posture and persistent infantile reflexes.

While there is no cure for cerebral palsy, there are a myriad of treatments available.  The sooner you are able to diagnose cp, the sooner you can put together a care plan to help your child live the best quality of life possible.

Additionally, it is important to understand that a number of cp cases are could have been prevented and are the direct result of a medical mistake.  If you and a doctor observe cerebral palsy symptoms in your baby and you suspect it may be the result of medical negligence, you should speak to an experienced birth injury attorney.  Your child may be entitled to a large settlement that can be used to pay for the extremely expensive treatment and care they will need.

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