How Do I Know if Doctors Caused my Child’s CP?

It’s always hard to determine whether or not doctors are responsible for a condition or not. After all, the vast majority of people have very little, if any, real medical training and what they do have probably amounts to first aid or CPR classes. It takes experts to determine whether or not your child’s doctor was responsible for your child having cerebral palsy.


There will be an investigation if your child is diagnosed with CP. This is a matter of course. The investigation will include scans, blood tests and other methods of determining what caused your child’s cerebral palsy. If the doctor is responsible, this investigation will oftentimes reveal that fact.

Your Lawyer

If you seek cerebral palsy help from an attorney, they will have their own experts. Any cerebral palsy lawyer should have access to people who can also make determinations about the root cause of your child’s condition. This is sometimes the only way that parents find out with enough confidence that they’re ready to pursue a lawsuit.

Don’t Be Intimidated

There is no reason to be intimidated about filing one of these lawsuits. If the physician who delivered your child or the healthcare facility where they were delivered was responsible for your child having cerebral palsy, you do deserve to seek compensation. There’s no guarantee that you will receive compensation, but your chances of getting compensation are much better if you’re dealing with an experienced lawyer who has access to experts that can help to bolster your case.

Money and Suing

One of the first, and most understandable, concerns that people usually have when they’re considering filing a lawsuit is how they’re going to pay for it. If you get a lawyer that works on contingency, you don’t have to worry about this.

Under such an agreement, your lawyer forgoes any pay unless they manage to win your claim. If you don’t win, you don’t pay. It’s that simple. There are different causes where you are considered to have won, however. You may win by receiving a settlement or a jury award. If you are offered a settlement, it’s vital that you go through your lawyer before you take it. Your lawyer will make sure that the other party offers enough and that you don’t walk away thinking you got a lot of money when you just ended up throwing away a case with a good chance of winning.

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The birth injury team at the Rasansky Law Firm has the experience with and knowledge of cerebral palsy needed to zealously represent and protect both your interests and your child’s. If your child suffered a birth injury or was born with cerebral palsy, or if you need information about cerebral palsy or birth injury law, schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy attorney by clicking using the form below or calling us toll free at 1-877-405-0228.