The Basics of a Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit

You’ll have to talk to a Texas CP lawyer about your individual case, but cerebral palsy lawsuits do tend to have some features in common from one to the next. Understanding these common features can give you some idea of what to expect when you talk to a lawyer or decide to file a lawsuit against a doctor or healthcare facility.

They’re All Different

No two cases involving cerebral palsy in infants are the same. In fact, they can differ tremendously between one and the next. This is why you need to speak with an attorney before you’ll really know what kinds of options you have.

Not All Lawsuits Win

There is a chance that you’ll end up losing your lawsuit. This is why it’s important to talk to an attorney that really understands this area of the law. Medical negligence and medical malpractice are very specific fields. A knowledgeable attorney can make sure you understand whether or not your lawsuit is really worth pursuing.

Costs Can Be Deferred or Eliminated

Some attorneys will work with you on contingency. This means that they don’t get paid unless they win your lawsuit in court or via a settlement. If you’re not sure whether or not you can afford to pursue a lawsuit, contact such an attorney. You won’t owe anything if you lose; you can discuss their fees with them in advance in case you win.

Payouts Can Be Substantial

In some cases, the jury awards given or the settlements reached are for considerable amounts of money. If your lawsuit ends up winning, it may pay out enough to allow you to handle the medical expenses related to CP while you’re raising your child and allow that child to pay for their own expenses when they’re older. This is a reason that many parents opt to file such lawsuits when medical negligence caused their child’s birth injuries.

There Are Limitations

There are limitations on the time you have to file a lawsuit after your child is diagnosed and there are limitations on how much you can receive in damages. You’ll need an attorney that understands both and that can make sure you understand the implications.

Most attorneys will be willing to meet with you for free for a consultation. They need this sit down meeting to figure out whether or not they want to represent you and to figure out whether you have a good case.

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The birth injury team at the Rasansky Law Firm has the experience with and knowledge of cerebral palsy needed to zealously represent and protect both your interests and your child’s. If your child suffered a birth injury or was born with cerebral palsy, or if you need information about cerebral palsy or birth injury law, schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy attorney by clicking using the form below or calling us toll free at 1-877-405-0228.