Three Things to Look for in a CP Lawyer

Before you decide to take on a cerebral palsy lawsuit, you need to understand what’s going to be involved in it. Once you find a cerebral palsy lawyer Dallas, you’ve taken care of one of the hardest parts of moving forward. However, there are many challenges that lay ahead and you need to make certain that you know what to expect as you move forward in this process.

1. Fees

A lawyer does make their living by winning cases. In the case of the good cerebral palsy lawyer, this is literally true. They don’t get paid for the cases that they lose. This is called working on a contingency agreement and you should make certain that your lawyer offers this to you. If you lose your case, you won’t end up being stuck with legal fees in addition to the expenses that you are going to face as a parent having to care for a child with cerebral palsy. Those expenses can be extremely high because of the medical assistance that you are going to need.

2. Experience

You’ll want to make certain that the attorney are working with has experience with these cases. Attorneys are not expected to be medical doctors, but they do need to have specific knowledge of negligence law and how it applies to the medical world in order to argue these cases successfully. If you don’t have an experienced lawyer, you’re putting yourself at an immediate disadvantage. You can be absolutely certain that the parties you’re suing have experienced lawyers; after all, you’re dealing with doctors, hospitals and other entities that have a lot of money to spend defending themselves.

3. Compassion and Realism

An attorney who works on cerebral palsy cases has to be compassionate to the parents that they work with but they also have to be realistic. This means that they will take a look at other cases similar to your own and determine how much you can actually expect to get in terms of a jury award. The other thing that they will do, which is both an act of compassion and realism, is explain to you that you are not guaranteed to win your claim. You may be offered a settlement for less than the money you are seeking in court, and this sometimes is your best option. You may also be denied your claim altogether by a jury. Make sure your lawyer is always honest with you in addition to being compassionate and competent.

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The birth injury team at the Rasansky Law Firm has the experience with and knowledge of cerebral palsy needed to zealously represent and protect both your interests and your child’s. If your child suffered a birth injury or was born with cerebral palsy, or if you need information about cerebral palsy or birth injury law, schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy attorney by clicking using the form below or calling us toll free at 1-877-405-0228.