Not all CP Treatments are Painful or Invasive

For children who suffer with cerebral palsy, among the most intimidating things to deal with are the treatments that go along with it. They sometimes involve painful injections that are designed to improve muscle tone and medications that have unpleasant side effects. On top of all of the other challenges that these children face, the treatments are sometimes enough to intimidate adults. There are some new treatments, however, that offer excellent results and that aren’t quite as scary as the treatments that were used in the past.


Some of the newest treatments in terms of physical therapy involve using temperature as a way to improve muscle tone. These treatments are not as painful as injections—most of the time—and they sometimes yield excellent results for the people who undergo them. Physical therapists can do a lot for a child with cerebral palsy and these types of treatments are among the most innovative being used.

Electrical Devices

Because cerebral palsy is in neurological disorder, stimulating nerves is one way that doctors can offer some relief. One of the newest treatments involves using devices that provide stimulation to these nerves and allow people greater control over their lives. This has powerful implications for people who have trouble walking, as control over the nerves can provide better muscle tone and, therefore, better control over fine motor tasks such as walking. These treatments usually involve wearing a small device that attaches to the body somewhere near the muscles being treated.

Blood Transfusions

Blood transfusions, of course, involve a bit of pain but, with some of the newest treatments, there’s a lot of benefit to be reaped from going through them. These treatments involve using stem cells that come directly from the affected individual’s own umbilical cord. These treatments have been able to show some marked improvement in people who have gone through them in trials.

Whatever treatment people receive for cerebral palsy, is generally expensive, no matter how much of an improvement it is over former methods. Filing a cerebral palsy lawsuit is an option for parents whose child has suffered cerebral palsy due to medical negligence. If you believe that this is the case with your child’s cerebral palsy, contacting a Texas cerebral palsy lawyer is the first step in finding out whether or not you do have the option of filing a lawsuit for the condition that your child suffers.


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The birth injury team at the Rasansky Law Firm has the experience with and knowledge of cerebral palsy needed to zealously represent and protect both your interests and your child’s. If your child suffered a birth injury or was born with cerebral palsy, or if you need information about cerebral palsy or birth injury law, schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy attorney by clicking using the form below or calling us toll free at 1-877-405-0228.