I Need Help Filing A Birth Injury Claim

A birth injury claim against a doctor or a healthcare facility can be complex. When you file one of these claims, the crux of it will have to do with establishing that the doctor was negligent in some regard and

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What’s New With Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a term that applies to a range of different conditions. These conditions include dyskinetic cerebral palsy, ataxic cerebral palsy, blended forms of cerebral palsy and several other medical conditions. Whatever the actual nature of the disorder may

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How Did Your Child Develop CP?

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, you’re likely facing some pretty disturbing questions. First and foremost, parents generally want to know how their child came down with this condition. There are several different ways that it can

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How Do Delivery Errors Cause Birth Injuries?

Cerebral palsy is sometimes caused by errors during the birthing process. There are other reasons this condition occurs, as well, but instances where doctors and hospitals end up getting sued over cerebral palsy in infants have to do with the

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Birth Injuries and Investigations

Whenever a child is injured during the birthing process, the medical professionals in charge of delivering the child will launch an investigation. While medicine is a matter of life and death, it is also a science and doctors need to

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The Gift of CP Accessibility

Cerebral palsy in infants inevitably means that the child’s parents are going to face some significant parenting and financial challenges. If you have a family member who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, whether they are your child or a

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The Basics of a Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit

You’ll have to talk to a Texas CP lawyer about your individual case, but cerebral palsy lawsuits do tend to have some features in common from one to the next. Understanding these common features can give you some idea of

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Cerebral Palsy Resources for Parents

If your child is diagnosed with CP, you’ll want to make sure you have all the resources you need going forward. While taking care of your child, of course, will be your primary concern, you’ll also need resources that are

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Cerebral Palsy is No Excuse To Ignore Physical Fitness

There was a time when people who had disabilities were treated as if they should live their entire lives as helpless medical patients. Fortunately, times have changed. Today, medicine recognizes the value of exercise for just about everybody who is

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Could Alternative Therapies Help with CP Symptoms?

There is almost always a debate between scientific medicine and traditional forms of medicine. Generally speaking, scientific medicine is what people rely upon when they have infections, broken bones or other conditions that are life-threatening and that require immediate and

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